About Me

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Hi, i'm Atlanta, i write music, and love music, i go to concerts, and mob celebrities, and i'm gonna tell you all about it here :)

Sunday, 31 October 2010

rant. rant. rant. rant.

okay, i need a theme? apparently?

i'd just like to take this time (whilst im on here) to tell you how much, people eating loudly pisses me off.

okay so i'm sitting down at break, and i have that friend who eats loudly (don't we all?)
we all see her whip out that apple, and give each other the look as if to say 'right, time to pull out the earplugs' SERIOUSLY, is it reaaally that hard to just close your mouth whilst eating? its like err no i do not wish to see that marmite sandwich, which 5 seconds ago looked alright, it now looks like baby puke.. in your mouth?
i take it your mother didnt even nag you about the whole 'no dear don't talk with your mouth full'
i mean banana's come onnnnn!? how can you possibly make such a ghastly noise? are you trying to achieve the 'loudest eater award here?'

oh dear, oh deary me.


 i dont really blog much, cos really, i dont how to use this fangled technology on this 'blogger' or 'blogspot' ? whatever its called.

this update is to tell you, i'm alive and well...
i WILL be updating more now,  if i get  how to work this blog thing...

but for now...

'love Gossip Girl xoxo'

sorry had to be done.